You’ve probably heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant. As the story goes, each man reaches out and touches a different part of the elephant—its ear, trunk, leg, and so on—and each reaches a completely different conclusion about what the elephant is. The point of the story is that one person’s viewpoint… Continue reading→
Check out our latest research industry insights.
5 Benefits of Asynchronous Qualitative Market Research
In today’s fast-moving, connected world, qualitative market research has grown beyond traditional methods. One of the biggest changes is asynchronous qualitative market research. But what does that mean? For some experiences in life, the first time really is magical. Your best memories may involve the first time you saw the ocean, flew in a plane,… Continue reading→
5 Best Practices for Consumption-Based Research Communities
There’s an unspoken problem with the traditional participation-based market research approaches that companies use to understand consumer behavior: they rely heavily on self-selected participants. Simply put, companies need their research participants to be responsive, communicative, clear, and motivated to maintain participation. Otherwise, they won’t hear from them and won’t gather useful data. The problem is… Continue reading→
How Passive Data Drives Better CPG Research Insights
If you aren’t already aware, passive data – as opposed to recalled data – leads to much more accurate monitoring of product consumption when you’re conducting a research study. Why is that? Well, because human recall is inherently flawed. Just think about how busy, stressed, and tired the average person is nowadays. Now factor in… Continue reading→
Build a Seamless Customer Journey With Authentic Insights
Whether you’re an insights leader, marketer, or in product development, you know how important—and tricky—it is to capture the attention and loyalty of your target audience. There are so many pivotal moments in the typical customer journey, which is why understanding how to leverage emerging technology to better understand each and every one of them… Continue reading→
4 Best Practices for Avoiding Participant Fatigue and Failure
Ensuring participants complete all activities in a consumer insights study thoroughly and accurately is crucial to understanding how your company can create value for consumers. Having participants drop out of a study or fail to complete activities authentically is an on-going problem in the market research industry. While there is no exact science to increase… Continue reading→
How to Recruit Real and Reliable Survey Respondents
As technology becomes more advanced, it’s easier for bots and unqualified participants to make their way into consumer insights studies, leaving researchers with unusable data and forcing them to constantly find additional participants to reach their sample goals. The good news is that technology is also advancing on the researchers’ end, making validating recruiting much… Continue reading→
Inflation Is Changing Consumer Shopping Behavior. How Can CPG Companies Adapt?
Sometimes it seems like the last time anyone was sure of anything was in early 2020, before a pandemic turned the world on its head. Hearing that the economy is turbulent and unpredictable isn’t really news anymore. What isn’t turbulent and unpredictable? But consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies can’t afford to shrug off economic forecasts—not… Continue reading→
Level Up Your Brand Strategy by Using Consumer Insights to Answer These 5 Questions
Without consumer insights, your marketing team is basically playing Battleship: lobbing new ideas into the market with little or no idea where they’ll land. Understanding what your customers want—based on real-world data—is the key to building a better brand strategy. According to McKinsey, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies that use data-driven marketing can achieve a… Continue reading→
QualSights Awards Recap: Taking the Research Industry by Storm
When we look back over the past year, we are so grateful for the growth we experienced in many areas… Continue reading→
Level Up Your Brand Strategy by Using Consumer Insights to Answer These 5 Questions
Without consumer insights, your marketing team is basically playing Battleship: lobbing new ideas into the market with little or no… Continue reading→
Inflation Is Changing Consumer Shopping Behavior. How Can CPG Companies Adapt?
Sometimes it seems like the last time anyone was sure of anything was in early 2020, before a pandemic turned… Continue reading→